Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Notes to self

Why do any of us feel we must write? Is it for our selfish pleasure or some warped desire to leave our last mark on this world before exiting unceremoniously? I haven't a clue. But one thing I have learned is that there is a very big difference between someone who writes, and a writer. I belong to the former. Having never studied in writing, I am simply a story teller. My manner of writing involves seeing the story evolve in my minds eye. A sort of movie playing over and over in my mind. I try to describe each scene as it unfolds. I use words, much as a painter would use a palette. It is so uncomplicated, it's stupid. I have no idea if other persons so taken to writing would agree with me, as I don't really know any. Other than Ponderings Of The Pond. My love was borne with another novelette that I wrote. Broken Sparrows. It was rife with errors and grammatical errors, but it was written using the characters as taken from an online chat room that I visit regularly. The response was overwhelming, and thus began my addiction. Perhaps this can be my atonement and apology to all the serious writers out there who strive to create works of value. My purpose here is purely entertainment and diversion from the day to day tedieum. I am Rogue. And I have a story to tell,,,,,I hope you enjoy it.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

she has taken notes :)

June Saville said...

Hi again Rogue
Plot development in your head is a great way to take the boredom out of everyday chores!
Do you think your character should turn himself into a serial killer just yet? Perhaps ... perhaps not ...
I'll be watching him!
June in Oz

DJ Rogue said...

Thank you June. I don't believe the main character would ever consider becoming a serial killer. You will understand why as the story unfolds. You are in for some surprises! :)

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your honest ruminations on the perils of writing. I, too, have the identity conflict - writer or someone who writes. I'm excited to have found your blog and look forward to reading your posts from past to present.

Rogue said...

Thank you so much Ananji, and welcome aboard!