Thursday, October 28, 2010

My Dearest Julia

My Dearest Julia,

November 29th, 1858 was a cruel day. The first snows heralding a long and lonely winter danced across the landscape, unencumbered by patches of blue sky that dared to push through the gray. The landscape, while pastoral most of the year, was now colourless. Winters icy grip tightened on the fields; choking the life out of even the heartiest gourds. Abandonment.

The whiteness of December would bring the preparations of that most festive of celebrations; Christmas! But not this year. The very best of woods piled high for yuletide logs would be cut for a very different purpose this year. Oh, how I detest the drone of death prayers and lamentations. But this day shall see naught but sorrow. My begging of God, and subsequent cursing have brought me only sorrow. For Julia, my beloved Julia is no more.

To forsake my eternal soul, for just one loving last embrace would be a pittance. I am lost. Will time remember our great love? Or shall we fall; forgotten lovers in a forgotten world. It’s too much for one heart to bear. Forgive me darling Julia, but the pistol lies loaded and charged before me. Soon my love, we will be together once more. When I am gone and winters grasp gives way to green pastures, only memories will remain, and the broken dreams of lives once lived.

Julia’s gravestone and other haunting stories lay at Magpie Tales


Diane T said...

A freaky story... perfect for Halloween

Teresa said...

What a beautiful, heart-wrenching story. Very excellent take on the prompt.

kathi harris said...

Great one 4 Haloween.

Tess Kincaid said...

I adore writing in the form of correspondence. Excellent.

Doctor FTSE said...

Impressive epistioltary tale in the manner of the English novelist Thomas Hardy.

Myrna R. said...

I enjoyed reading this. It felt tender and romantic. Too bad he opts for suicide.

Nice magpie.

Anonymous said...

Perfect HAlloween tale. Nice MAg. Love and Light, Sender

Kay L. Davies said...

Yes, the suicide was a surprise ending, and not a happy one, to a heartfelt letter. Well done.

cheryl said...

Lovers united after life, beautiful Andrew.

Brian Miller said...

this was brilliant..and stirring...i wonder if i would be strong enough to stya after, or strong enough to go...nice magpie!

Rogue said...

Thank you Diane. And a very happy halloween to you!

Rogue said...

Thank you Theresa. Magpie Tales always has the best promts!

Rogue said...

Thanks Kathi. Great to see you drop by! :-)

Rogue said...

Thanks Willow. And by the way, I listened to Nic Sebastiens' reading of your poem in Whale Sound. It was awesome!

Rogue said...

Doc, I am honoured. Thank you so much.

Rogue said...

Thank you Myrna. Yes, I know the ending was sad,but he was a devestated and broken man without his beloved Julia.

Rogue said...

Thank you sender, and love and light to you as well.

Rogue said...

Thank you Kay

Rogue said...

Awe, ty ty ty Cheryl.

Rogue said...

Thank you very much Brian, I appreciate it.

Tumblewords: said...

You are indeed a fine letter writer!

Kathe W. said...

well done- especially using a letter to tell a story.

Rogue said...

Thank you Tumblewords, I appreciate it.

Rogue said...

Thank you Kathew

Reflections said...

Wonderfully written from the spouse perspective, the lost love to be reunited with... well done.

Rogue said...

Thank you Reflections. I'm glad you enjoyed it. I'm looking forward to the next challenge!

Foxies Lair said...

nice to know who Julia was to the one you gave life in your writtings Andrew. Sad story yes,,but beautiful as always ! Well done

Rogue said...

Thank you Foxy! :-)

Suburban Farm said...

This is brilliant mate, gave me goose bumps! I absolutely love your writing style! I think your style, articulation, and talent is a standard writers should all aspire to - I know I do!

Rogue said...

How very kind of you to say so Dan. I also must return the compliment. The Haikus on your blog are amazing!